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This is me am I gorgeous or what?? | |||||||||||||||||
Something About Me! Ok,well I'm 16, I live in hell (literaly),and I don't mix well with society. I have two Rats, Socks and Nicodemus, whom I adore. Socks is kinda stupid for his age cause I got him when he was already fulgrown. Nicodemus, however, is very intelligent. Which can be a bad thing sometimes. He has learned how to open his cage door recently so whenever he wants attention he gets out and makes his way over to me. Mom doesn't like this one bit nore does my little sister Beth. They are both terrified of rats. I also have a little black cat, kinky(that's his name), he is still a kitten and hates his training but he seems to enjoy what he's leaned such as opening doors and closing them himself. He also likes to dance but only to Backstreet boys or N'sync, no thanks to my sisters. He is a slow learner but he's getting there. My only other pet is my ugly little boxer. I swear he can't walk, this dog bounces every where he goes. He used to be a house dog but when we moved he was stuck outside and he hates it. If you've ever seen a pet that whines till it gets attention and wants attention all day you'll understand. I guess all my pets are like that. Maybe I spoil them too much but oh well they're happy. Ok I'll stop babbeling about my baby's! lets see. well I also like to draw My kitchen walls are covered in my work. I draw everything from teddy bears to Demond's. I even draw my fam and friends. Ok, so I don't have alot of friends but if you lived in this tiny hell hole you'd understand why. well I'm tired of talking so If you want to know anything else about me talk to my on Icq. My # is 9544828. Oh one more thing. I will get a real pic of me soon and of my pets and the rest of my fam and friends. My real oic doesn't vary all that much from the one on the left. | ||||||||||||||||
This is my vain sister Chello....ok she's not truly vain she just acts like she is!! | |||||||||||||||||
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ok well thats Chelo my older sister she just graduated and spend most of her time spoiling her boyfriend and looking in th miror. Her hair is naturaly curly but she staitens it every day. Right now she is planning her graduation party.( Man will I be fucked up at thing). well Thats all about her. I have a younger sister too. Her name is Beth. She's a snob to most people but I've gotten used it. She plays volleyball & basketball and is in dance team, track, and ASB. She's on of the popular girls at school and all her friends are just as snoby as she is. That's funny both my sister's are popular sporty type's and they're gorgeous too. I must be the bad seed or something. well I also have a close friend Nicole who is more a family member than a friend her and Chelo have been best friends since like 2nd grade and she sorta fits in with our family she lives in a larger town 30mils from here but only goes home like once a month she's always here and she considers us her family. She is anti-social like me and is always being funny or a smartass. then there is my parents my mom is cool she is like my best friend and mom in one, My dad is overprotective and hates living in this town right now all he want's is to buy a truck and move. Oh, I almost forgot Kurt he's like a big brother to my he rough houses with me and when a guy dicks me over he always get's into it we tease each other alot but I love just as much as the rest of my family. well That's my family. | ||||||||||||||||
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